Salon Sophie Charlotte 2020

Florian Fritsch - Visual Concepts - Beuth
Florian Fritsch - Visual Concepts - Beuth
Florian Fritsch - Visual Concepts - Beuth

Project Description

Salon Sophie-Charlotte is an annual event hosted by the „Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften“. Most installations were created by students of the „Beuth Hochschule Berlin“.

Project Details

  • Client: Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften
  • Date: January, 2020
  • Category: Installation, Lighting Design, Lighting Programming, Lighting Operating

Project Participants

  • Art Director: Susanne Auffermann-Lemmer
  • Warming Stripes Installation: Julius Huebener
  • Facade Installation: Florian Fritsch
  • Lighting Programmer & Operator: Florian Fritsch
  • Photos: Christoph Eisenmenger, Johannes Minichmayr